Covid-19 Update – Criminal Defense Representation & Riverside Court Information

Coronavirus / Covid-19 Information

To our existing clients and to our prospective new clients, The Law Offices of John L. Michels is open for business and is continuing to provide effective, aggressive, and supportive representation to those charged with any criminal offenses during this public health emergency. Most importantly, we hope all of you and your families remain healthy and safe.

Communication Options

Our office is committed to protecting the health and safety of our clients and our staff. We are able to handle appointments either on the phone, through video conferencing, or by any other electronic means such as phone, texting, email, or facetime. On a case by case basis, we also have in-person appointments available.

  • Phone: (951) 276-8900 Call 24/7, Se Habla Español!
  • Riverside Office: 7095 Indiana Ave. | Suite 200 | Riverside, CA 92506
  • Murrieta Office: 29970 Technology Drive | Suite 103 | Murrieta, CA 92563
  • Email:

Courts are Open for In-Custody Arraignments and Bail Hearings

Mr. Michels has already appeared in Court via video conference and in-person to argue for his clients to be released on their own recognizance (“OR” Release) due to the Coronavirus situation. We are committed to fighting for our client’s rights now more than ever.

For our out of custody clients, we are electronically filing continuances on most cases so that our clients will not have to appear in court until it is safe to do so. We are using this time to prepare our cases, confer with our clients, review discovery, and engage in virtual meetings with the appropriate law enforcement officers and prosecutors.

For the latest updates on COVID-19 Court Operations click here. View the latest Press Releases from Superior Court of California, County of Riverside:

  • March 19, 2020 – Riverside Superior Court to temporarily close most courthouses [PDF]
  • March 27, 2020 – Riverside Superior Court continues hearing emergency matters (Update) [PDF]
  • April 1, 2020 – Riverside Superior Court extends closure date (Update) [PDF]
  • April 13, 2020 – Riverside Superior Court temporarily closes Juvenile Court [PDF]
  • April 23, 2020 – Riverside Superior Court Reopens Juvenile Court [PDF]
  • April 29, 2020 – Riverside Superior Court extends closure date (Update) [PDF]
  • June 2, 2020 – Restoration of Criminal Service Matters [PDF]
  • June 19, 2020 – Riverside Superior Court to Begin Livestreaming Court Proceedings [PDF]

Economic Considerations and Fees

Our office is aware of the significant economic pressure many are feeling during the business shut down throughout our county and state. In consideration of the economic realities, many of our prospective clients are facing we are committed to adjusting our fees to help any new client who needs criminal defense representation during this most difficult time.

About John L. Michels, Riverside Criminal Defense Attorney

John L. Michels is a former prosecutor who has been zealously protecting the rights of criminal defense clients throughout Riverside County and the surrounding region for nearly 20 years.

As a former Deputy District Attorney, Mr. Michels understands that you are highly concerned about what will happen next with your case. He can represent you in any misdemeanor or felony matter. He will also work to reduce the potential consequences of your case, such as jail time and serious penalties. Our criminal defense law firm has assisted clients charged with assault and battery, domestic violence, driving offenses, DUI, murder, probation and parole violations, theft crimes, and three strikes cases. We also work to clear criminal records in expungement proceedings.

Please contact The Law Offices of John L. Michels at (951) 276-8900 to make an appointment for a free initial consultation. We are available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

John L. Michels, Attorney at Law

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