Corporal Injury to Spouse Criminal Defense in Riverside County

Domestic violence is strictly prohibited in California, especially if it involves striking an intimate partner. Any person you are or have been in a romantic relationship with qualifies as a spouse. The punishment for this crime is harsh and might involve a long prison sentence as well as significant fines. A criminal record may also have an impact on your social and professional life.

Call: (951) 276-8900 Criminal Defense Help 24/7 in Riverside County

It is advisable to obtain the services of John L. Michels, criminal defense attorney, in Riverside county if you are accused of striking your spouse physically and want to avoid serious charges. Charges for corporate injury to a spouse can have devastating consequences, such as hefty fines, jail time, and the loss of your income. John L. Michels is a reputable Riverside domestic violence trial lawyer with a long history of successfully representing his clients until they receive a favorable result.

What California law says about corporate injury to spouse

Corporal Injury to Spouse Criminal Defense in Riverside CountyAny crime against an intimate partner, whether they are still together or not, is included under the umbrella phrase of “domestic violence”. Abuse of any kind, whether physical, emotional, or psychological, can be considered domestic violence.

A spouse must be physically hurt for domestic abuse to occur. It involves intentionally causing a physical injury to a close partner, which causes a traumatic state. It is a severe kind of domestic abuse that may or may not be charged as a felony or misdemeanor, based on California PC 273.5.

Charges under California PC 273.5 are only possible if:

  • You intentionally caused physical harm to a spouse, either current or past. When someone acts purposefully, voluntarily, or intentionally, they have committed an offense with knowledge or willfulness. You need not, however, have criminal intent.
  • There is a traumatic condition, referring to a wound or physical harm brought on by the use of physical force. Examples of traumatic conditions that might be sanctioned by this law include the following: Bone fractures, concussions, bruises, bleeding, etc.

Can you get the felony charges reduced to misdemeanor (i.e. domestic battery), or can you fight domestic violence misdemeanor charges altogether?

A domestic violence attorney Riversider on corporal injury to a spouse

Corporal injury to an intimate partner and domestic violence are two distinct crimes. Their key distinction is how severely the victim was physically hurt.

Corporal Injury to Spouse Criminal Defense in Riverside CountyDomestic violence against a spouse doesn’t necessarily include a visible injury. A corporal injury against a partner, such as in the event of an assault with a deadly weapon, is a more severe crime.

Corporal injury to a close partner can be punished as a felony or misdemeanor charge in California, depending on the circumstances. Domestic violence is often a misdemeanor offense.

Domestic abuse is regarded as a “wobbler” crime, which means that a person may be charged with either a misdemeanor or felony infraction.

The prosecution can decide your charge based on your circumstances and criminal record. Therefore, having a felony domestic violence lawyer on your side who is experienced with the prosecution process can help fight the charges successfully.

How to get reduced felony charges to misdemeanor charges

When it comes to reducing a felony conviction to a misdemeanor charge, John L. Michels is the best felony trial lawyer in Riverside County, bringing a long experience as a former prosecutor to support your case. Mr. Michels has a thorough knowledge of how the DA handles matters of this nature. He is skilled at building a solid defense to help his clients receive the best result possible.

It is essential to contact an experienced domestic violence lawyer as soon as you have been charged with domestic violence.

As a seasonal domestic violence defense lawyer with over two decades of experience representing clients, Mr. Michels is confident he can work towards protecting your rights, whether you are being convicted of felony with corporal injury to spouse or felony child abuse.

For a free consultation if you have been detained or are facing criminal charges, get in touch with Attorney John L. Michels.
In order to win your case, attorney John L. Michels and his team of former law enforcement personnel will battle tenaciously.

Call (951) 276-8900 right away to get in touch with domestic violence lawyer John L. Michels, one of the most well-regarded and successful criminal defense lawyers in Riverside County.

You can reach us online as well. All consultations are complimentary and private. We represent clients in all Riverside County and San Bernardino County Courts from our conveniently situated locations in Riverside and Murrieta.

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