Riverside Domestic Violence Legal Help

Domestic violence applies to a violent act committed against a person in a domestic relationship such as a spouse, a relative, or a dating or sexual partner as well as former spouses. It’s a serious crime and accusation not to be taken lightly or to be dismissed by either party that’s involved. You may have a lot of questions on your mind and are unsure of your rights if someone is accusing you of this act.

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A conviction will dramatically impact an individual’s life. It’s one of the reasons you must retain an experienced, skilled domestic violence defense attorney who will fight fervently to protect your legal rights. The quicker you contact attorney John L. Michels, the better options you have in avoiding domestic violence charges brought against you. Inflicting Corporal (Bodily) Injury is a felony in Riverside County California and needs to be handled properly to avoid serious consequences.

Getting Charges Dropped

Domestic violence charges may arise when someone threatens to harm or causes harm to:Getting Charges Dropped

  • A close family member
  • A cohabitant or roommate
  • A current or former partner
  • A current or former spouse

If you’ve been accused of domestic violence, then you may be wondering how to go about getting the charges against you dropped. Domestic violence or domestic battery cases can be complicated and sensitive situations to handle. It’s all the more reason why you should contact a lawyer such as Riverside criminal defense lawyer John L. Michels. He’s an experienced, aggressive, and award-winning attorney who understands that every domestic violence arrest is unique. With his help and expertise, you can avoid charges of domestic violence crime and avoid losing employment.

You deserve to have your rights protected and to be considered innocent until proven guilty. Mr. Michels is prepared to invest his time and energy into fighting for you and helping you work to rebuild your family and reputation.

Taking Action

If you’ve been accused of domestic violence, then it’s in your best interest to take action right away. You’ll have a better chance of having the chargers dropped if you call an attorney as soon as you learn of the accusations and charges. There have even been instances where cases have been dropped because of Mr. Michels ability to move in and intervene swiftly before the prosecution took place. Just because you’ve been investigated or arrested, doesn’t mean charges have been brought against you. The prosecutor must decide to charge you with a crime to make it official. Therefore, the sooner you contact an experienced lawyer such as Mr. Michels, the better.

Misdemeanor vs Felony of Domestic Violence Charge

There are significant differences between a misdemeanor and a felony of domestic violence charge. In the state of California, a felony is the most serious level of a criminal offense. If convicted, you’ll serve jail time and will lose many rights. Misdemeanors are considered a less serious level of a criminal offense but may still result in county jail time, fines, and other consequences, including losing the right to own a firearm. Minimize your chances of being prosecuted with a misdemeanor or felony by contacting our office today.

Why Hire an Experienced Lawyer?

Hire an Experienced LawyerImmediately upon passing the California Bar Examination, Mr. Michels joined the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office. Mr. Michels left the District Attorney’s office in 2001 and opened his own criminal defense firm, The Law Offices of John L. Michels. His work as a former prosecutor and former Judge Pro Tem of the Riverside Superior Court makes him uniquely qualified to attempt to get your case dismissed, not filed or to reduce any potential penalties. He also has nearly two decades of criminal defense experience handling domestic violence cases.

Working with a private lawyer instead of a public defender is beneficial as they take fewer cases and are less overworked. Therefore, they have more time with each client and can formulate a solid plan in addressing any potential or existing charges. Avoid conviction of domestic violence crime by hiring an experienced lawyer to assist you with your case and answer your questions. A lawyer knows the law, jargon and all the ins and outs about protective orders, for example. There is a long list of penal codes that a lawyer understands and can help you sort through as well.

Penal Codes for Domestic Violence:

Next Steps

Contact us today to learn more about Riverside Domestic Violence Legal Help and to discuss your case. Riverside domestic violence lawyer John L. Michels is a compassionate attorney that understands the complexities of domestic violence charges and the aftermath involving the families involved. A lot of times there’s a mishap that’s never been experienced in the family. The person may not know how to react, so they call the police. Police are not social workers or marital counselors, they are there to do one thing, and in most cases it hurts the family more than they could ever imagine.

If you have been arrested for domestic violence, please call Domestic Violence Lawyer John Michels at (951) 276-8900, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can also reach us online. All consultations are free and confidential. Representing clients throughout Riverside County, we have offices conveniently located in Riverside and Murrieta.

Mr. Michels understands the uncertainty you’re facing and angst you’re feeling and is available to walk you through next steps and address your concerns. Don’t wait, call today and let’s get the conversation started so you can get your life back and find brighter days ahead.

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